+government fees
Knowmad Law
Flat Fee Trademark Application Package

Your Trademark??
Knowmad Law's Trademark Package helps businesses successfully register their trademarks for a simple flat fee. If you're confused about whether you're using a trademark or whether you can or should obtain a registration, check out some of our explanatory articles and videos:
Attorneys traditionally bill by the hour. To alleviate some of the uncertainty (and often the unpleasant surprise) of hourly billing, many trademark law firms now offer flat-fee trademark application services. However, these flat fees can still be confusing. Because trademark applications come in a variety of flavors and because obtaining a trademark registration can involve dozens of tasks spread out over months or sometimes years, it's important to understand what's included in a flat-fee "package" and make sure you're comparing apples to apples.
Here's what Knowmad Law's $675 flat fee includes:
One-on-one consultation with Chris
Preliminary clearance search and opinion letter analyzing your mark's chances of successful registration, as well as the risk of infringing someone else's mark. Check out an example HERE.
Preparing a proposed description of your goods or services and confirming all the particulars of your application with you, including the mark drawing, your dates of first use, and the owner who will hold the registration
Helping you identify and prepare an acceptable specimen of use
Filing the application
Corresponding with the USPTO and keeping you informed of the status of your application
Responding to routine Office Actions
Checking for accuracy and forwarding your Certificate of Registration
What's not included?:
USPTO application fees. Typically, these are $250-350 per class of goods or services (mostly depending on whether there's a standard description of your product).
Statement of Use. If you file on an intent-to-use basis, you'll need to file a Statement of Use before you can obtain a registration. We offer a separate flat fee of $280 to prepare and file the SOU (+USPTO fees of $100 per class)
Substantive Office Action. If the USPTO refuses to register your mark because it's descriptive or there's a likelihood of confusion with a prior registration or there's something else substantively wrong with the application, you may wish to file a response amending the application and/or arguing that the refusal should be withdrawn. Once we know what the Office Action says, we can quote you a flat fee to assist you in filing a response.
Analysis of multiple marks. Based on our opinion letter, you may decide not to pull the trigger on your application. If you're open to rebranding, we would be happy to consult with you regarding your options. Additional costs may apply.


Knowmad Law?

Knowmad Law combines the expertise and reach of a large corporate firm with the personal, client-centered approach of a small-town attorney, all while offering transparent fee structures that make budgetary sense for small and mid-sized businesses, entrepreneurs, and creative professionals.
Like the nomadic warriors that inspired our name, we travel lightly but deploy the tools at our disposal for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Knowmad Law's trademark application services take aim at what matters most to clients: providing clients with personalized legal counsel to help them protect their brand from an experienced IP attorney and delivering a federal registration at a cost that they can justify.
We try to make our trademark intake process as straightforward as possible. Here's how to get your mark started towards registration:
(1) Send us an email at info@knowmad.law or give us a call at 831-275-1401 or schedule a consultation or use this form:
(2) Chris will get in touch with you ASAP and ask you a few questions about your mark and your business.
(3) We'll send you an engagement letter, which will summarize the terms and scope of our representation. Sign that and get a copy back to us.
(4) Within a few days, we'll run a clearance search and send you a report and analysis of your mark, along with a summary of proposed filing particulars.
(5) Once you've confirmed the application information we've proposed, we file the application, usually within a day or two.
(6) We'll keep you updated at every stage of the process. The average time for a USPTO trademark application from filing to registration (or abandonment) is about 10 months.