Mad Online (part 1): Defamation Basics
Defamation lawsuits used to be mainly the domain of celebrities and the media companies that wrote or spoke about them. Thanks to the...

You've got a trademark for your brand. Now how do you protect your domain names, social media account, and other online assets?

The Costume Copyright Conundrum
Happy Halloween from Knowmad Law!

How to “Copyright” Your Work
Like “trademark,” it’s better not to think of the word “copyright” as a verb. Copyright is something that you have or you don’t. But when...

Don't Talk About Our Tree: Pebble Beach's Lone Cypress Trademark
If you’re a Central Coast trademark lawyer, it’s not long before someone asks you about the Lone Cypress. The Lone Cypress is an iconic...

Marijuana Trademark News: Gorilla Glue and AB-64
The emerging U.S. cannabis industry has a trademark problem. Since at least 2011, it has been the policy of the U.S. Patent and...

Post and Re-Post: When Is It Ok to Share Someone Else’s Content?
Most of us don’t think twice about sharing a news article on our Facebook timelines, re-posting a cat gif to our Tumblr blogs or pinning...

All the President’s Trademarks
In financial disclosure documents filed during the election, Donald Trump claimed his personal wealth exceeded $10 billion. Forbes put...

HBO's Silicon Valley: a Legal Critique - (Part Three)
In this final installment on our series about HBO’s Silicon Valley, we return one more time to the legal entanglements that challenge...

HBO's Silicon Valley: a Legal Critique - (Part Two)
Similarly, COPPA’s purpose and consequences are muddied a bit for comic effect. For example, it’s repeatedly suggested that PiperChat is...