HBO's Silicon Valley: A Legal Critique - (Part One)
Silicon Valley, HBO’s sitcom about the travails of a tech startup, tosses out references to intellectual property and other aspects of...

Just Say Non: California's Hard Line on Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Agreements
Non-compete, non-solicitation and other promises to restrain from future business practices are collectively referred to as restrictive...

Fight Night: How Tuning into a Boxing or MMA Event Could Land You in Court
For some fans of boxing, mixed martial arts and other pay-per-view sporting events, it’s long after the ring has emptied that the fight...

The Gray Market: What Can Unauthorized Dealers Get Away With on Amazon (and Beyond)?
Sale of counterfeit goods remains widespread on online marketplaces like AliBaba, eBay, Etsy and Amazon. But brand owners are...

Patent, Trademark or Copyright?: Get Your IP Terminology Straight
The terms “patent,” “trademark,” and “copyright” are often used interchangeably in everyday conversation. Even media reports about...

Malibu Media: File Sharing Litigation's New Normal?
In the 2010’s, the U.S. federal courts were confronted with the sudden emergence of a brand new type of litigation. Over the span of a...

How to run a legal sweepstakes, contest or promotional giveaway
Enticing customers with prizes and other rewards is probably one of the oldest marketing tactics there is. Whether it’s a random drawing...

Four Contracts That Start-Ups Should Know About
When it comes to contracts, every business is different. Working with an attorney can help make sure that you’re putting together...

Registering a Trademark Yourself
Lawyers are a drag. They can be condescending, unresponsive and in general a hassle to deal with. Above all, they’re expensive. It’s no...

Protecting Your Trademark: the Whys and the Hows
Many start-ups and small businesses are vaguely aware that they’re supposed to register their trademarks, but they’re not sure what...